Monday, December 23, 2019

halacha - Picking mushrooms on shabbos

Is one allowed to pick mushrooms from where they grew on shabbos?

To provide some context:

The Talmud (Berachos 40b) states that although mushrooms grow on the ground, the proper Beracha is nonetheless Shehakol, the general Beracha for foods that are not plants. The Talmud explains that although mushrooms do indeed grow on the ground, they are exceptional in that they do not derive their primary nutrition from the soil, as do other plants. [Interestingly, the Aruch Hashulchan (204:5), among others, holds that if one made a mistake and recited HoAdama on mushrooms, it would be acceptable, since the Talmud does consider mushrooms to be Gidulei Karka (growths of the ground), although they do not derive their sustenance from it.]


From Halachipedia:

It is forbidden to pick mushrooms or remove moss from a rock it is growing on (39 Melachos [Rabbi Ribiat, vol 2, pg 283], Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 26:10).

For an even earlier source, see also the Babylonian Talmud (Shabbath 107b-108a) which extends the prohibition in the case of fungi to places where harvesting plants would not be liable:

Abaye said: He who plucks fungus from the handle of a pitcher is liable on account of uprooting something from the place of its growth. R. Oshaia objected: If one detaches [aught] from a perforated pot, he is culpable; if it is unperforated, he is exempt? — There, that is not its [normal place for] growing; but here this is its [normal place for] growing.

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