Saturday, March 16, 2019

What if the Torah Reader for the Curses (Tochacha) is a Kohen or Levi?

It is (at least) the Chabad custom that the Torah Reader takes the Aliya with the curses (tochacha) in Parshat Ki Tavo and Bechukotai. The reader ascends without being called and recites the blessings before and after. (See the Luach Colel Chabad).

What happens if the Torah Reader is a Kohen or a Levi? The curses don't appear in his Aliya! And, once a Yisroel is called to the Torah, we do not call a Levi for an Aliya.

Does someone else take the Aliyah? Do we let the Levi take it, since he is not being called?


The Minchas Elazar (Shu"t Minchas Elazar 1:66) discusses this case, and suggests as follows:

  • For Parshas Bechukosai, where the curses are closer to the beginning of the Parsha, the Baal Koreh can get Cohen, and read until after the curses.

  • For Parshas Ki Savo, where the curses are closer to the end of the Parsha, they should make the earlier Aliyos shorter, and read the curses as Achron

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