Monday, March 25, 2019

tefilin - Where in Davening do we kiss תפילין?

It is well-known (I assume) that one should kiss his תפילין when saying וקשרתם לאות... (twice) in שמע, when saying פותח את ידך... in אשרי, and עוטר ישראל בתפארה in ברכת השחר.

Most Artscroll Siddurim also add יוצר אור ובורא חושך in ברכת קריאת שמע.

The latest edition of the Artscroll תפארת יעקב Siddur (pocket-size נוסח ספרד) also adds ישמחו השמים ותגל הארץ (twice) in פסוקי דזמרא; I haven't seen this anywhere else.

Where does this come from?
Are there any other locations?


  • Sepharadim don't touch the tefillin at "oter yisrael b'tifarah", because morning berachot are said at home, before one puts on tefillin.

  • At "yotzer or, u'voreh choshech", you touch the shel-yad only, and kiss your hand. (Ben Ish Hai Shemot 1, Kaf HaHayyim 59:2)

  • At "kadosh kadosh kadosh" in the beracha of yotzer or, some have the minhag to touch the shel-yad only, and kiss your hand. (Ben Ish Hai Shemot 2, Kaf HaHayyim 59:25)

  • At the 2 mentions of the tefillin shel yad in k'riat sh'ma, you touch the shel yad, then kiss your hand. At the 2 mentions of the tefillin shel rosh in k'riat sh'ma, you touch the shel rosh, then kiss your hand. (Shulchan Aruch 61:25, Ben Ish Hai Vayera 12, Kaf HaHayyim 61:66) (Since these are places where you mention the shel yad, followed by the shel rosh, back to back, it works out that you touch the shel yad, kiss your hand, touch the shel rosh, and kiss your hand, in that order.)

  • At "ga'al yisrael", you touch the shel rosh only, and don't kiss your hand. (Ben Ish Hai Beshallah 1)

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