Sunday, March 31, 2019

halacha theory - Obligation of a Beis Din to judge and decide on Issurim?

THe question about the baby switch made me think of this question:

In the realm of Issurim (Arayos, Mamzerim, conversion, Kohen, etc) when new evidence arises, is a Beis Din and what Beis Din obligated to judge and decide on it?

For example in the aforementioned case, a DNA report comes from a lab 20 year after the birth showing with a 99% probability that the babies were switched. The two persons enjoy their current Chazokos (maybe already married with kids). What's next - what B"D is obligated/authorized to see the case?

Can a Beis Din deny seeing new evidence? And is it different for different Issurim topics?

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