Thursday, March 21, 2019

malchut royalty - Why does Yosef use intermediaries to ask Paro for permission to bury Yaakov, when until now he addressed Paro directly?

Bereishit 50:4, after Yaakov's death and mourning, says that Yosef spoke to Paro's house (בֵּית פַּרְעֹה) and asked them to ask Paro for leave so he could go bury his father. During the famine and when Yaakov comes to Mitzrayim we see Yosef address Paro directly, as one would expect from someone in his position.

Why the change here? Perhaps the indirect request is because of something about this specific case (leaving Mitzrayim to bury his father)? Or perhaps, after the famine and the arrival of his family, Yosef didn't have as elevated a position so he needed to go through intermediaries now? Why doesn't he ask Paro directly?

Rashi is silent on this. Someone I study with speculated that after Yosef brought shepherds (who are taboo) to Mitzrayim maybe his relationship with Paro suffered, but he doesn't have a source.

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