Friday, March 1, 2019

sources mekorot - Shir HaShirim on Sabbath Eve

What are the earliest sources that reference the recitation of Shir HaShirim on Erev Shabbos? (Bearing in mind the dates of redaction of various Midrashim).


Rav Yehuda Leib Maimon discusses this question here.

The earliest explicit source he finds is in Chemdas Yamim (he acknowledges the controversy around this sefer but indicates his defense of the work), who simultaneously mentions a "wide spread" custom to use musical instruments for Kabbalas Shabbos. He finds no corroboration for the latter custom, but suggests a source for Shir HaShirim from the Zohar Vayera 98a-b where Rabbi Eliezar reveals the secrets of Shir HaShirim to Rabbi Akiva specifically on Erev Shabbos.

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