Sunday, March 17, 2019

katakana - Correct kana for João

João is a Portuguese name which has a peculiar pronunciation that is very difficult for foreign people. It is the Portuguese equivalent to the English John, but the pronunciations are very different. If you see that Wikipedia page, it might help get a grasp of the correct pronunciation. However, I have no idea how this name would be represented in kana...

Does anyone know what might be the correct kana for this name?


Does anyone know what might be the correct kana for this name?

It is your name, so you are entitled to choose the correct kana.

However, there is historical precedent for ジョアン. There is a famous Portuguese missionary João Rodrigues who came to Japan in the late 16th century. He left several important books including "Arte da Lingoa de Iapam" (日本大文典) and "Arte breue da lingoa Iapoa" (日本小文典). In Japanese he is known as ジョアン・ロドリゲス. Hence, ジョアン is quite likely.

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