Monday, February 4, 2019

readings - 人 - on'yomi ニン or ジン rule of thumb

I sometimes have trouble figuring out what on'yomi 人 has in unfamiliar jukugo, and was wondering whether there was any kind of rule-of-thumb for figuring it out, assuming it is the only character whose reading is unknown in a compound.

Aside from cases such as the character sequence 人生 read 人{じん}生{せい} when treated as a complete word but 人{にん}生{せい} as part of the word 浪{ろう}人{にん}生{せい} due to it being being derived from rōnin+[gaku]sei, is there any way to tell which reading is used for a jukugo? Or is it only possible to tell if you know the etymology of the word and when the atomic jukugo entered Japanese due to the two waves of import of the classical Chinese reading njin?

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