Tuesday, February 12, 2019

halacha - Jeans as Hukot HaGoyim

Hukot HaGoyim in this case is something done specifically by gentiles and therefore it would be prohibited (see S"A Yoreh Deah 178). So my question is, would jeans fall under this category?


So long as it isn't indecent, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe Y.D. 1:81) writes that it's not a problem. I've written it up here.

And for those who don't believe me, here's what it looks like in the original responsum:

Scan from Igros Moshe

Link to the pdf: page 1, page 2.

Specifically regarding jeans it's even easier as we know where jeans come from -- gold prospectors who needed rugged clothing. If the origins of a practice are pagan, prurient, or make such zero sense that you'd obviously only be doing it to emulate the non-Jews, then it's a problem. None of that is the case here.

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