Wednesday, February 6, 2019

halacha - An Ashenazi kohain lives outside Israel. When it is not Yom Tov, can he bless the people in a Sefardi shul?

I am a kohain living outside Israel where the Ashenazi custom is that we only bless the people (duchan) on Yomim Tovim. Where I live, there are Sefardi shuls where the kohanim duchan on Shabbos and even every day.

Am I allowed to purposefully go to the Sephardi minyan so that I can duchan? (I am not asking here what happens if I was asked to duchan when I was davenning in his shul.)

If you say CYLOR, the Rav of my old shul said that I should not go to duchan. The Rav of my present shul is well known to allow it.

So I am really looking for sources please.


I posed this question today to HaRav Shammai Gross Shlit"a. He is one of the Gedolei HaPoskim here in Eretz Yisrael (and happens to be a Cohen as well.) He said while there were poskim that said once the Ashkanazi Kohen is in a Sephardi minyan in chutz l'aretz that does duchen that he may join them. Still one shouldn't lichatchila go to such a shul in order to duchen -- the main reason that it is not the minhag of the Ashakanazim to make Bircas Cohanim the whole year.

He didn't give a particular makor or proof for this aside from the fact that this is not the minhag of the Ashkanazim. I still felt it important to post this answer as he is from the Gedolei HaPoskim.

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