Monday, December 17, 2018

tefilla - How to say go-al Yisroel before Shacharis Amida

When the leader gets to just before the Shacharis Amida, how should he say the blessing

go-al Yisroel: aloud or saying the word Yisroel so the end of it cannot be heard?


The Shulchan Aruch in Orach Chaim 111:1 states that there should be no Hefsek between Geula and Tefila. Although the Rama says there is no problem answering Amen the accepted custom is that we do not answer Amen after Go'al Yisroel. Both options mentioned are options that are acceptable. Some Shuls the Chazan just says the last word quitely and in some Shuls the Chazan says it out loud and the people say it along with the Chazan. The Chazan should do whatever the Minhag of the Shul he is Davening in does.

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