Sunday, December 30, 2018

The grammar of ~かれ~かれ

Consider these:

  • 遅かれ早かれ

  • 良【よ】かれ悪【あ】しかれ

What is the underlying grammatical make up of this ~かれ~かれ pattern (if any)? Is this pattern productive(i.e. can be extended to arbitrary words)?


The 〜かれ appearing here is the imperative form. I suspect this exact construction is no longer productive in modern Japanese as adjectives are no longer thought of as having imperative forms; however, the dictionary offers this modern rephrasing of 善【よ】かれ悪【あ】しかれ:


So in some sense the abstract construction of "imperative + imperative" to mean "be it ... or ..." still survives. (The "be" appearing in the English version might also be construed as an imperative, but it's probably a subjunctive.) The thesaurus (for want of a better word) lists some alternatives:

  • ~にしろ…にしろ

  • 〜にせよ…にせよ

  • 〜にしても…にしても

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