Friday, March 16, 2018

tefilla - Must a proper prayer be fully "voiced" and "articulated" in the "mind's ear?"

This question applies to silent prayers.

In order for a prayer to be made properly, must the praying person "voice" or otherwise "articulate" every word of the prayer in his/her "mind's ear?" Or, rather, is it acceptable to pray by "concept," "feeling," "in the heart" or any other non-verbal method?


As @fred said

Shulchan aruch harav 101.4

 > המתפלל בלחש ולא השמיע יצא אבל אם התפלל בלבו ולא הוציא בשפתיו לא יצא שהרהור אינו כדיבור

the one that prays quietly and did not hear (himself, as he needs to) fulfilled his obligation, but if he prayed in his heart (mind) and did not take it out with his lips he did not fulfill his obligation, since thought is not "like" speech

See mogain avrochom 101.2 (Which the shulchan aruch harav above saw before writing his shulchan aruch)

Where he explaines that it needs more research (it is questionable) if praying in the heart counts

And that theoretically it should be enough if he prayed in his heart (mind without using his lips), since prayer is "the service of the heart" and Hashem "know the thoughts of the heart"

But from the gemoro it seems that it does not count

So to be sure that it is proper you should say it with your Voice

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