Tuesday, March 6, 2018

halacha - Remembering the Churban on your home?

How do we remember the Churban on our homes?


The Chayei Adom(137:1) says a person who has a home should leave a part of the wall without plaster or paint. The person who does it is guaranteed that his house will stand forever ,and nothing will happen to it (Kaf Ha’chaim 560:11). There is a weak Heter today as people homes are made of less permanant material,sand mixed into the plaster (Rivevos Ephraim 4:136) The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (126:1) still wonders why people are lenient.It should be made opposite the door of the house (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 126:1) it should be visable and not be blocked by a curtain or anything else(Sefer Habayis 19:footnote 7).If you can not make it on the wall opposite the entrance you should make it as close to that wall as possible. Although highly unadvisable some people make a zecher l’churban by painting a part of the wall black and writing “zecher l’churban” after on the area painted black. the person who buys from a gentile need not be concerned with making it as it was made by a gentile. If somone bought a home from another Jew and it does not have a "zecher l'churban" unfinished wall area, the owner must make a "zecher l'churban".(Mishnah Berurah 560:1, Piskei Tshuvos 560:3).

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