Friday, November 17, 2017

words - Differences between 出るand 去る when expressing someone leaving

When expressing "to leave," as in "I left the store," or "I can leave the country," is there a difference in nuance or meaning between the verbs 出る and 去る?

まあ、少なくとも、この国を出ることはできるな。 Well, at least I can leave this country.

まあ、少なくとも、この国を去ることはできるな。 Well, at least I can leave this country. (?)

店を出ると、犬を連れた二人の中年女性が通りかかりました。 When I left the shop, two middle-aged women with dogs were passing by.

店を去ると、犬を連れた二人の中年女性が通りかかりました。 When I left the shop, two middle-aged women with dogs were passing by.(?)

私は、そこを去って別の電気製品を1時間近く見たところで、また「肩モミ椅子」の辺りにやってきました。 I moved on and after looking at other things for about an hour came by the chair display again.

私は、そこを出て別の電気製品を1時間近く見たところで、また「肩モミ椅子」の辺りにやってきました。 I moved on and after looking at other things for about an hour came by the chair display again.(?)

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