Saturday, November 11, 2017

molecules - Why do people still use the mole (unit) in chemistry?

I know that the mole is widely used in chemistry instead of units of mass or volume as a convenient way to express amounts of reactants or of products of chemical reactions.

I'm wondering why people in chemistry still excessively use it for their measurement? To be backward-compatible and consistent with traditional textbooks? Why they don't simply express their quantity measurement per atom, per unit volume, per molecule or etc.?


Simply speaking, because it's an appropriate unit to use.

Let's imagine I wanted to measure the length of a rope. What would be an appropriate length to use? Inches? Centimeters? Feet, maybe? It would really be awkward to express it as 0.000189393 miles, or as 304,800,000 nanometers.

(Note: if you can't see why these units are awkward, take any page discussing things like this (e.g. biomass of certain species) and change all the units so that they're nonsense like this. Then put it away for a week and try to read it later.)

Now let's say I've changed my mind and I'd like to measure all the rope created in the world in a year. Now an appropriate unit is almost certainly miles or kilometers, and not inches or centimeters.

Let's consider something else: so far, I've been using length to measure ropes. Would it make sense to measure their combined mass instead? Maybe not for small amounts, since I think I would throttle you if you told me to cut off half a pound of rope, but for global-scale things, tons or metric tons may make sense.

On the other hand, using measurements like the average density of the rope or the combined diameters of all the ropes really wouldn't be much use at all.

What we've seen here is that when we're measuring things, there are measures that make sense (for rope, length, maybe weight) and some measures that really don't (color, average diameter, etc.). In those measures, there are units that are convenient (inches, feet), and some that aren't (nanometers).

This is exactly the problem with chemical units, but much more magnified. When I measure the energy released on hydrolysis of a sample, I'm not measuring the energy of one bond, or two bonds, or a thousand bonds, or even a million. I'm measuring a collection of so insanely many molecules that there's really no number in common language for it.

What is an appropriate way to measure things in these molecules? If I'm only interested in how much I have and not what's in it, per gram or per volume is often a good way to do it. Since when I'm measuring the temperature change of something, I don't particularly care what it's made of, measures of this (specific heat, for instance) are done in units of something per gram.

On the other hand, if I do care what my sample is made of, then I need a better way to measure it. For example, sodium chloride and calcium chloride look similar, but will have very different energies since there's three ions in a $\ce{CaCl2}$ unit and only two in an $\ce{NaCl}$ unit.

Since you can't have half a molecule, the simplest way to do it is to count the darn things. Unfortunately, measuring things per atom is a really awkward way to do things because of the problems I described above. The energy it takes to melt ice is 0.000000000000000000001029 J/molecule.

What we need then, is some count of molecules that's convenient. We could go by 1000 molecules, or a million molecules, but it's a pain in the butt to convert between that and macroscopic units (how much does 1 million calcium atoms weigh?) Now it just so happens that $6.022 \times 10^{23}$ atoms of carbon-12 weigh 12 grams, and a single carbon-12 weighs 12 amu. A single molecule of water weighs roughly 18 amu, $6.022 \times 10^{23}$ molecules of water weigh 18 grams.

Let's take a look at what using $6.022 \times 10^{23}$ molecules offers us over other units:

  • It is appropriate. $6.022 \times 10^{23}$ molecules will typically
    fall in the gram to kilogram range of substance, which can easily be measured out on a balance. It's also within the range of what you'd usually use in a lab.

  • It allows for easy conversion. You can easily tell when you have $6.022 \times 10^{23}$ molecules because your atomic mass is equal to your macroscopic mass.

  • It makes sense. Intuitively, we'd like to measure things per atom or per molecule, but doing so leads to some ugly units. Instead, if we
    measure per $6.022 \times 10^{23}$ molecules, we still are doing a
    counting-based measurement, but the numbers themselves are a lot

You probably know this already, but we call $6.022 \times 10^{23}$ molecules a mole. These are the advantages of using the mole as a unit, and not for backwards-compatibility. I am of the opinion that if we shed all our units today and started from scratch, we would start off with grams and liters, but we would probably start using the measure of a mole again within a year. It's just a very powerful, useful way to measure things.

P.S. This is much longer than I was initially intending and was not written while I was in the most awake state of mind. Please let me know in the comments if you think this answer is unclear, or stupid, or just plain wrong.

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