Friday, November 10, 2017

kanji - 澤 vs 沢... is the former still in use?

I've asked about 澤 before here on Stack Exchange, but have a follow up question: Is 沢 the modern replacement for 澤? Is 澤 deprecated by the Ministry that decides such matters?


  1. Yes, 沢 is the modern replacement (aka 新字体【しんじたい】) form of 澤.

  2. The Ministry of Education (文部科学省【もんぶかがくしょう】) is the body that officially determines which characters are and aren't official.

  3. 澤 is still used in names, as all 旧字体【きゅうじたい】 (pre-reform) forms of current official characters (常用漢字【じょうようかんじ】) are valid for use in names (人名用漢字【じんめいようかんじ】).

  4. This site has a chart showing all of the reformed characters, with the new (新字体) forms on top and old (旧字体) forms on bottom in each row.

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