Tuesday, July 16, 2019

grammar - Using i-adjective color words

Why is the sentence 「車はあかです。」 not 「車はあかいです。」? Since 「あかい」 is an i-adjective.


The primary colors in Japanese are all i-adjectives, which agrees with the idea that i-adjectives tend to represent more basic concepts than na-adjectives.

あかい          akai      red
あおい aoi blue
きいろい kiiroi yellow

しろい shiroi white
くろい kuroi black

Some examples:

あかいくるま    a red car
くろいペン a black pen

When you want to say that something is some color, you must use the no-adjective (a noun) equivalent of the word.

あか            aka     red
あお ao blue

きいろ kiiro yellow
しろ shiro white
くろ kuro black


ボールはしろです。      The ball is white.

Other color words are normal no-adjectives, so these five are really the exception rather than the rule. Fortunately, the rule itself is without exception: when using primary colors to modify a noun, use the i-adjective form; otherwise, use the no-adjective form.

You would also use aka to refer to "the color red", which is similar to how color words in English are used as both nouns and adjectives.

And finally, the noun forms are also used in some compound words like :

あかワイン      red wine
くろねこ a black cat

I hope it could help.

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