Sunday, July 28, 2019

rabbis - Rav Yaakov Moshe Hillel and wearing tzitzios out

Does someone know anything about Rav Yaakov Moshe Hillel shlita hamekubal stating that tzitzios should be worn outside the clothes? I read it once but without any sources on a web forum. It would be quite surprising as one of the argument to tuck them is based on kabbalah and the Arizal.


In his book Geburat HaAri (pg. 137) he brings the AriZal and explains that according to him they should be exposed because in Shaar HaKawanot (7c) the Ari says that there is a Miswa to behold the Sisiot (see Debarim 15:39).

He expounds on this immensely in his Sefer Wayashov HaYam (vol. 1 Siman 3).

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