Wednesday, July 24, 2019

halacha - Bas Cohen having relations with a non-Jew

It says in SA YD Siman 305 that a Bas Cohen that has a bechor (firstborn) with a non-Jew there is chiyuv of pidyon haben since the Bas Cohen through having relations with the non-Jew she looses her status of being a Bas Cohen. What about if a not-frum (irreligious) Bas Cohen before becoming a baalas teshuva (religious person) had relations with a non-Jew. Then after becoming frum (religious) later got married to a Yisrael and had a bechor. Is there a chiyuv of making a pidyon haben on that child? (My doubt is because through the relations with the non-Jew before becoming frum perhaps she lost her status of being a Bas Cohen.)

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