Saturday, July 27, 2019

halacha - Is Juneau, Alaska -- surrounded by natural barriers -- a natural eruv

I recently visited Juneau, Alaska. It is a small city of 35,000. The city limits are quite large, however -- 3,225 square miles -- but much of this area is separated from downtown Juneau on Douglas Island. According to Wikipedia, Downtown Juneau sits at sea level, with tides averaging 16 feet (5 m), below steep mountains about 3,500 feet (1,100 m) to 4,000 feet (1,200 m) high. Atop these mountains is the Juneau Icefield, a large ice mass from which about 30 glaciers flow. Because the city is surrounded by ice or water, there are no roads in or out of town, and the only way to come or go is by air or sea. Given this, could the glacier ice and the ocean be considered like mechitzas (walls) and enclose the city like an eruv?

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