Tuesday, July 23, 2019

tefilla - Why daven ke-vasikin on Hoshana Rabbah?

I know that some people specifically daven ke-vasikin on Hoshana Rabbah. Is this only because they stayed awake all night and thus want to daven as early as possible, or is there a more direct and symbolic connection between davening ke-vasikin and Hoshana Rabbah?


There are very big benefits of Davening K'vasikin, and often people can't do it for assorted reasons. Hoshana Rabba is a hidden Yom Tov, similar to Purim and Erev Yom Kippur, it is also considered the end of the Gezar Din. Many people want to take advantage of the Vasikin benefits in order to have a Gemar Tov.

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