Wednesday, July 24, 2019

meaning - When is -の used for a question

When is -の used for a question and what is the exact meaning


(nj) = (Native Japanese speaker)

  • (njs): 学校に行くの?

  • (me): いいえ、学校は行きません。

  • (njs): 自分でやるの?

  • (me): 自分やります。


の is a more casual/friendly way to ask a question when ですか or Vますか would feel a little bit too polite. You can think of it as ん(の)ですか without the ですか part. For instance:

学校に行きますか? 学校に行くの?

These sentences have the exact same meaning but the first one is much more formal. Note that 学校に行くか is a bit harsher and more rarely used.

Also, Nounですか becomes Nounなの? You need the な otherwise it means "the one of [Noun]?". You will also need the な if you are connecting a な-adjective.

簡単ですか。 簡単なの?

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