Tuesday, December 11, 2018

mitzvah - Women - less Mitzvot more body parts?

According to the Gemmorah sources:

  1. Women have much less positive Mitzvot than men, as they are freed from most of the time-related Mitzvot (Mishna Kiddushin 1:7).

  2. Women have more body parts than men, 251-253 vs 248 (see "Is-the-male-skeleton-different-from-female"

  3. Positive Mitzvot are linked to body parts:

Makot 23b: "דרש רבי שמלאי: שש מאות ושלש עשרה מצות נאמרו לו למשה, שלש מאות וששים וחמש לאוין כמנין ימות החמה, ומאתים וארבעים ושמונה עשה כנגד איבריו של אדם"

" Rabbi Simlai taught: There were 613 mitzvot stated to Moses in the Torah, consisting of 365 prohibitions corresponding to the number of days in the solar year, and 248 positive mitzvot corresponding to the number of a person’s limbs"

How come women have more body parts and fewer Mitzvot?

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