Monday, December 3, 2018

halacha - Leniencies for someone keeping Kosher in a non-Kosher home

My family is not frum, but they do not eat non-kosher meat at home, although they do eat other not-certified-kosher products, including cheese. They don't mix meat and milk, but they do wash meat and milk dishes together. Although I have kept kosher for a while now, this is the first time (since I started keeping kosher) that I will be living at home for a significant period of time. I have my own glass dishes and my own cutlery, but I have been eating food made in my family's pots/pans, etc. Are there ANY leniencies that a person in this situation, can rely on to eat this food or use their dishes?


There might be some wiggle room for you regarding nosein ta'am bar nosein ta'am. Keep in mind that these are intricate and complicated halachos, and subtle differences in the particulars of a case can have a profound impact on the applicable halacha. As can never be reiterated enough with respect to issur v'heter, CYLOR.

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