Monday, December 17, 2018

halacha - Learning before Davvening

What is the halakhic validity of learning before davvening shachris? Is this assur? Eating before davvening shachris is of course a problem (my understanding is that it really becomes a problem once you are a bar/bat mitzvah), but what about learning Gemara or Chumash before davvening? Is this permitted, and what sources indicate so? And is there any difference between learning before davvening during the week vs on Shabbes? Is there a maximum time that is allowed? My concern is with lessening bittl Torah and if I can get up to learn before davvening Shachris, that would be very helpful.

Thanks so much for your help.


Shulchan Aruch (89:6) writes that one may not start learning Torah after Alos but limits this prohibition to someone who will also daven at home. The concern is that he may get involved in his learning and miss the time for Tefillah.

However, if he regularly davens with a minyan and certainly if he in a location where the minyan will gather there (Mishne Berurah 32), there is no concern of getting caught up in learning and missing zman Tefilah.

Also, if he is teaching others it is also permitted since learning Torah in a group is a great merit.

If you ask someone to remind you not to forget to daven (Mishne Berurah 34) or you are learning in a group (Mekor Chaim 6) there is no concern that you will miss the zman Tefillah and it is permitted to learn.

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