Wednesday, December 19, 2018

halacha - Do you attach tzitzit on a borrowed garment? If so, do you later remove them?

I have a poncho that is a four-cornered outer garment with a neck hole. I'm a woman so I've never had to worry about tzitzit. The garment is unisex, not specifically feminine. If a man were to borrow it, would he be required to attach tzitzit? If so, what would happen when he returns it -- would he remove them, would I remove them, or would they remain?

I understand that the practical answer is to not get into that situation. I'm asking what the halacha is.


A man is not required to attach tzitzit to a borrowed garment during the first 30 days that he borrows the garment. (Shulchan Aruch OC 14:3, Kaf HaHayyim 14:14). If he borrows the garment regularly, but not for more than 30 days at a time, then you start counting the 30 days all over again each time he borrows it anew (Rema OC 14:3).

Additionally, if the poncho is made out of synthetic material there is a machloket about whether it needs tzitzit at all, so you'd need ask a she'elah about that if the man borrows the poncho for more than 30 days. (Igrot Moshe OC vol 2 #1 rules that the poncho is exempt, but the Tzitz Eliezer vol 12 #3 rules that the poncho is chayav.)

My source for this discussion: Tzel HeHarim: Tzitzit

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