Saturday, February 3, 2018

halacha - Saying the Amidah, you find yourself in yichud

Let's say you are in the middle of your Shemoneh Esrei when and all of a sudden, the situation becomes yichud. What may you/must you/should you do?

I know the very-basics like "don't interrupt one mitzvah for another" and "positive mitzvot [sort of] overrule prohibitions" etc., but these did not seem to shed much light. It seems from the antecedent of footnote four here that we treat all matters of yichud as rabbinical mitzvot today. And here (and based on other knowledge) it sounds like we don't usually interrupt tefila for other mitzvot, even Torah study (=Biblical.) Thus my instinct is to say that we do not move from the Amidah to get out of yichud. But possibly the safer answer is "Be so absorbed in your Amidah that you do not notice whether you are in yichud or not."

Cases: 1) Someone with the maximum level of obligation in that shemoneh esrei 2) Someone with the minimum, i.e. a mother davening maariv, or a tefilas nedava; A) Really serious yichud situation B) Something borderilne

(Not sure any of it would make a difference, as one is nonetheless standing before the Holy One, Blessed Be He, and by some natural principle we don't interrupt that)


This is a good question. I looked around quickly & didn't see this question brought anywhere so I will try to come to an answer based on other areas of study. The Shulchan Aruch Even Haezer Siman 22 says here that being secluded with an Ervah is a Bilical prohibition. Other women such as single girls are a Rabinic prohibition.

The Shulchan Aruch here says in a case where a child urinated in Shul while the Congregation is Davening (which is only an Issur D'rabanan) one is allowed to walk 4 amos away or even go out of shul to finish Davening. The Mishna Berurah there explains that walking is not a Hefsek to Shemonah Esrei if necessary. The Mishna Berurah continues & says if a child defecated in middle of Shemonah Esrei (which is a Biblical prohibition to Daven in front of), one cannot continue Davening there as is & one is even allowed to speak if necessary & tell the other Congregants around him they need to move.

So in summary we see that even for a Rabbinic prohibition one is allowed to walk to a different spot during Shemona Esrei & this does not constitute a Hefsek in one's Davening.

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