Monday, February 26, 2018

calendar - Getting a head start on Shnayim Mikra

(Inspired by this question)

Can one get a head start on Shnayim Mikra? Would it count if someone either started early (perhaps during the weeks with no Sedra in Tishrei), or just had some spare time and went on to the next week's (and then the next and the next) Parashah?


Mishneh Torah, in Hilkhot Tefilah u-Bhirkat Kohanim 13:25, says:

אף על פי שאדם שומע כל התורה כולה, בכל שנתו בציבור, חייב לקרות לעצמו בכל שבוע ושבוע, סדר של אותה שבת--שניים מקרא, ואחד תרגום

In English( taken from here):

Although a person hears the entire Torah [portion] each Sabbath [when it is read] communally, he is obligated to study on his own each week the sidrah of that week, reading it twice in the original and once in the Aramaic translation.

Shulchan Arukh, in Orach Chayim 285:1, says the same, and adds, in 285:3, that from Sunday onwards is considered "with the congregation"( "עם הצבור" in Berakhot 8a; in English see here).

In short, the answer is: No, one can't fulfill the obligation of Shenayim Miqra ve-Echad Targum for that week when starting before the end of the previous week's public Torah reading.

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