Wednesday, February 21, 2018

halacha - Source in the Aruch HaShulchan to not motzi (exempt) others with after-bracha on mezonot foods

The Aruch HaShulchan has an opinion on whether one person can motzi (exempt) a crowd with a bracha acharona (after-bracha) on mezonot foods. It is along the lines of it is better not to have one person do this for everyone else. I saw it once, and now cannot find it. I have since heard it is "famous"! Does any one have a source?


AhS OH 213:6

And thus is the halachah and the widespread custom that one does not discharge another's obligation in any [brachah], and each makes his own brachah, since even for "Hamotzi" and birkas ha-mazon, there are few in our time [who follow the practice of] one being motzi another, and all the more so for other things.

He goes on to cover be-di-avad cases.

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