Saturday, February 24, 2018

syntax - What does 何か食べ物 mean?




I didn't understand this structure, could you write some translations and explain me them?


何か can be used like a noun (It's a 代名詞/pronoun), meaning "something", as in:

  • 何かがありそうだ。 There seems to be something.

  • 新しい何かを手に入れることは古い何かを手放すことだ。Getting something new means giving up something old.

Now regarding your examples, 何か is often used in the form of 「何か + noun を/が + verb」, meaning "[verb] some kind of [noun]", as in:

  • 何か + 仕事を + ください。 -- lit. Give me some sort of job.

  • 何か + 商品を + 買う -- lit. buy some kind of product

  • 何か + 食べ物が + 欲しい -- lit. want some kind of food → want something to eat

  • 何か + 飲み物が + 欲しい -- lit. want some kind of beverage → want something to drink

Therefore your sentences:

  • 彼女は何か食べ物が欲しいです。 lit. She wants some kind of 食べ物(=food) → She wants something to eat.

  • 彼は何か読み物が欲しいです。 lit. He wants some kind of 読み物(=thing to read) → He wants something to read.

The 何か here is adverbial, so it's not modifying the nouns 仕事(job), 商品(goods), 食べ物(food), but the verbs/adjectives 「ください」「買う」「欲しい」 here. You should say 「何か+noun」 to literally say "some kind of [noun]", as in 「これは何かの冗談ですか?」(or 「これは冗談か何かですか?」) (Here 何か is a pronoun) to say "Is this some kind of joke?", rather than 「*これは何か冗談ですか?」

何か is also used in the form of 「何か + verb/adjective + もの」, meaning "something [adjective] / to [verb]", as in:

  • 何か + 買う + もの -- something to buy

  • 何か + 食べる + もの -- something to eat

  • 何か + おいしい + もの -- something tasty

  • 何か + いい + もの -- something good

So you can rephrase your example sentences this way without changing the meaning:

  • 彼女は何か食べ物が欲しいです。 lit. She wants something to eat.

  • この犬は何か飲物が欲しいです。lit. This dog wants something to drink.

  • 彼は何か読物が欲しいです。lit. He wants something to read.

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