Thursday, December 21, 2017

halacha - How far must one suffer for Arba Kosos?

As discussed here, the Yerushalmi (Pesachim 10:1) notes that some Amoraim suffered tremendous headaches from drinking the Arba Kosos that lasted for weeks, if not months. (I'm not sure what the events are to which the Yerushalmi refers.)

רבי יונה כדעתיה דרבי יונה שתי ארבעתי כסוי דלילי פסחא וחזיק רישיה עד עצרתה רבי יודה בי רבי אלעי שתי ארבעתי כסוי דלילי פיסחא וחזיק רישיה עד חגא

R' Yonah, according to R' Yonah's opinion, drank four cups of wine on Pesach night, and his head hurt until Shevuos. R' Yodah, of R' Ela'i's academy, drank four cups of wine on Pesach night, and his head hurt until Sukkos.

Are we talking about a little annoying headache, or are we talking about a massive migraine? How much pain must one suffer before he can resort to a chamar medinah?

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