Tuesday, December 26, 2017

tefilla - Why are Ashre and Alenu considered communal prayers?

Shulchan Aruch (OC 65) says to say "Sh'ma" with the congregation when they say it, and Mishna B'rura 9 there says the same is true of other things recited as a congregation such as "Ashre" and "Alenu". (Indeed, it is common practice that one recites "Alenu" when the congregation does even if he is not at that point in the service or is not praying at all.) In what sense are the latter two considered prayers that are recited communally (more so than most of the rest of the prayer service), that the Mishna B'rura mentions them as communally-recited prayers? That is, what makes them communal, whereas other prayers aren't necessarily so considered?

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