Thursday, December 28, 2017

homonyms - ambiguity of どうこう

Perhaps one of the more interesting/infuriating things i've found is how どうこう is seemingly always written without kanji...

the obvious ones with する default to 同行 I assume

だからと言って今すぐどうこうするって話でもないけど。-just cuz i said that doesn't mean i saying i want to go out with her


一概にどうこう言えない気がするんだけど…… - I feel like you can’t say all (girls ) have the same tastes (when it comes to guy's heights)


「なんでせっかく好きな人と結ばれたのに、他人がどうこう言って間に割り込んでこようとするわけ……? 関係ないじゃん……」- how come even though i'm finally with a guy i like, other people keep disturbing us and saying all this crap, what we're doing has nothing to do with them.

and the stuff I'm not so sure of

どうのこうの or 動向?

俺が殴られるどうこうはもう関係ない。- your ("tendency" to assault me/this and that sort of beating me up) is already irrelevant ?


お前がどうこうじゃなく俺が決めたんだ。(context is "っ…入れてくださいっ!  私なら大丈夫です。これしき耐えられます" 🙄) - I , who "doesn't have the same "tendencies" as you, has already made up my mind. - really not sure about the last one.

Appreciate any clarifications and further insight


In all your five example sentences, どうこう is this どうこう meaning "this and that", "something", "blah-blah", etc. It's used to contract the unimportant part of the sentence. It's interchangeable with どうのこうの.

どうこう can work as an adverb, "(like) this or that":

That does not mean I'll do something (about the problem) right away.

I feel we cannot say something sweepingly. / It's not a black-and-white situation.

どうこう also can colloquially form a noun clause (i.e., どうこう can be followed by particles like が, を, の):

I'll be beaten, or this, or that...they're no longer relevant.

This is not a you-think-this-or-that kind of problem; I decided it.

Before thinking about doing something with him, you must make yourself a better person.

(Forgive me if my English translations are unnatural; I'm bad at this type of colloquial sentences)

Unsurprisingly, 動向, 同行 and 同好 are normally written in kanji. These words are simply not used in your examples.

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