Thursday, December 28, 2017

tefilla - Peirush on Lecha Dodi

I’m looking for an in depth explanation of the Lecha Dodi we say on Friday night. Is there any peirush out there that does this?


Here are a few that contain running commentaries on this hymn:

  1. The controversial book Hemdat Ha-yamim (vol 1 p. 43).

  2. R. Moshe [Austrer] of Zamość (Arugat Ha-bosem, 62ff.)

  3. R. Avenr Afjin (Divrei Shalom vol. 4, 391ff.) Note: some of his commentary is from #1.

I have aslo seen referenced in numerous places a collection entitled 'Tikkunei Shabbat' (pub. 1641) by R. Raphael b. Yaakov of Posen which contains a commentary too, however, I have not seen the book myself.

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