Wednesday, July 10, 2019

sources mekorot - Telling G-d Lashon Harah

Can anyone find or bring me a rayah from the gemara/rabbinical sources which implies/states explicitly that it Asur to tell Lashon harah to G-d?


Rashi on Exodus 4:3 quotes the Midrash as indicating that God was disapproving of Moshe's telling him lashon hara:

ויהי לנחש: רמז לו שסיפר לשון הרע על ישראל ותפש אומנותו של נחש:‏

and it became a serpent-: [This was how] He hinted to him [Moses] that he had spoken ill of Israel (by saying, “They will not believe me,” ) and he had adopted the art of the serpent. — [from Exod. Rabbah 3:12]

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