Monday, July 1, 2019

sources mekorot - Everything is in the Torah

Someone mentioned that there is a statement of our Rabbis, "There is nothing on earth that is not hinted at in the Torah."*

Does anyone know where such a statement can be found?


One source for this is the introduction of the Ramban to Sefer Bereishis, where he says that the 50 gates of wisdom minus one that were given to Moshe represent knowledge about all that is in creation, and this was all given to Moshe, either explictly or hinted to in a letter, the forms of the letters, changes in the forms of the letters, Gematrios, etc. in the Torah.

This is also the commonly understood meaning of what the Zohar says "אסתקל בה באורייתא וברא עלמא" - G-d looked in the Torah and created the world, that for anything to exist it has to exist in the Torah first, and thus the Torah determines what it is.

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