Tuesday, July 2, 2019

science - How do scientists such as Natan Aviezer and Gerald Schroeder understand the fourth day of creation?

If I understand correctly, scientists such as Natan Aviezer and Gerald Schroeder have readings of Genesis Chapter 1 that fit with the current scientific understanding of how the universe/planet/life developed.

How do they read the fourth day? ("Sun, moon, and stars" come after "dry land and vegetation", but before aquatic life?)


Aviezer doesn't concern himself with creation except where the shoresh "bara" appears. The rest are the "big events" that brought the earth to its current state. So acc. to Aviezer-

Day 3= The Permian Ice Age where the waters of the flooded earth glaciated in the South Pole causing the oceans to recede. Later during this period was the proliferation of modern plant life.

Day 4= The point at which the Earth's eccentricity, axial obliquity and season of perihelion (in relation to the sun) aligned to allow a 24 hour day, 365+ day year and today's seasons (about 10,000 years before present, which is what also ended the most recent ice age). These changes are caused by the moons gravitational "pull".

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