Friday, July 5, 2019

halacha - Is it acceptable under kashrut to eat tyrannosauridae meat?

Theoretically speaking, if tyrannosaurs were still present these days, or in some way or another brought back, would they be kosher?

Let's assume that they are properly slaughtered and prepared.


No. No matter how they would be classified:

  • Fish: Scales could not be removed without ripping skin.

  • Reptile, insect, animal (Behema/Chaya): Neither a grasshopper, nor split hooves. See picture below.

  • Bird:* No mesora for Ashkenazim. For Sefardim, it would need characteristics (simanim):

    1. Extant crop: Subject to observation of specimen.

    2. Peelable inner lining of gizzard: Subject to observation of specimen.

    3. Extra claw. Depends on rabbinic opinion. See picture below.

    4. Not a bird of prey. Well, yes. Very much so.

So if not for anything else, it is certainly a bird of prey (doreis), which is only kosher with a tradition (mesora), which tyrannosauridae of course do not have.

T. Rex foot

* If it would look like this, it may actually be considered a bird: Feathered T. Rex

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