Wednesday, July 17, 2019

halacha - Doing Havdolah with no flame or spices

Suppose someone finds themselves with no candle to do Havdolah with. He neither has a Havdolah candle nor two candles in which to put together and light. What should he do?

I would assume he would recite Havdolah like normal, only omitting the brocha of borei m'orei ho'eish but then again I could very well be wrong.

What about the similar case of not having any spices to smell?


You are essentially correct. There is a blessing to be said when you see fire on Saturday night. It is essentially entirely independent of Havdalah. If you're making Havdalah anyway (99% of cases) then the custom is to say that blessing at that time to give it honor (or something like that). But if you don't have fire available that certainly doesn't preclude saying Havdalah. Similarly if you have fire available but no cup of wine, you say the blessing on fire alone. (All the above applies to the spices as well.)

See Shulchan Arukh OC 297-8:1.

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