Wednesday, November 20, 2019

trop cantillation - Where is there a munach legarmei before a kadma?

On the side of Shemini 10:6, the blue Tikkun Simanim quotes the mesorah that there are three places where a munach legarmei is before a mahpach: there, Emor 21:10, and Rut 1:2.

Then it says (in parentheses, not part of the quote from the mesorah):

ושאר יבאו לפני רביע או קדמא שלפני דרגא ואזלא

While munach legarmei before revii is very common, I don't remember ever seeing one before a kadma. According to the note, there must be at least two somewhere in Tanach. Where are they?


The one you've probably seen before is Genesis 28:9.

The others are scattered in more obscure parts of Nakh: Samuel 1:14:3 Samuel 1:14:47 Samuel 2:13:32 Kings 2:18:17 Isaiah 36:2 Jeremiah 4:19 Jeremiah 38:11 Jeremiah 40:11 Ezekiel 9:2 Haggai 2:12 Chronicles 2:26:15.

It also happens twice before a Pazeir: Daniyel 3:2 Nehemiah 8:7.

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