Tuesday, November 26, 2019

translation - Subject for 感じ in the following sentence

I have a question about the 感じ in 「私の食生活が気になっている感じですか」? Who is the owner of those feelings? Is it something like 'It feels that you are interested in my eating habits' or maybe 'Are you feeling that you are interested in my eating habits' ?







I don't think that 感じ is always used in the sense of trying to point to someone's feelings/sentiments. If 感じ points to anyone's feelings, I'd say it would be the feelings of 人A.

In this usage, I think one can safely translate it with "like", as in

So it's like you're interested in my eating habits?
So you're saying you're interested in my eating habits?

"like" is, similarly, trying to wonder what it "feels like" to someone else.

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