Wednesday, November 27, 2019

churban destruction - The Kosel is forever

Why is it that Hashem promised never to destroy the Kosel?


The Shoel U'meishiv answers that this can be understood based on Rashi's and Tosfos' opinions in Sukkah(41a) where it says that the Third Beis Hamikdash will not be built by hand, rather it will decend from Heaven. There is a principal that the blessing does not come on to something that is empty . For example when Eliyahu Hanavi got oil for Ovdiah's wife and children he asked her first "is there anything left in the house?" and she replied "a little oil." From this oil there was blessing and it filled her and all the neighbors containers and jugs. If she would have had nothing it would not have worked as per this principal. This is also the source for people who during Bentching leave some type of crumbs or foodstuff on the table because you can not receive blessing on the food if there is none there. With this principal explained we now know why we require the Kosel to remain in order for Hashem to send down the third temple, for there has to be somthing here - it can't be empty - because a blessing does not come on to something that is empty .

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