Monday, November 25, 2019

particle も - も in 「Vのもアレなんだけど」

I've read Need help with translating 今更聞くのもアレなんだけど and Meaning of a sentence with Aが言うのもなんだけど and other considerations, and understand that in a construction like 聞くのもアレなんだけど, アレ and なん are functioning as filler words in place of words that the speaker is too abashed to use. However, what I don't understand is the usage of も in these phrases. How would 今更聞くのアレなんだけど differ from 今更聞くのアレなんだけど? The latter I would translate directly as "Asking now is a little weird, but..." while I would translate the former as "Asking now is also a little weird, but...." However, the answer given in Need help with translating 今更聞くのもアレなんだけど seems to translate 今更聞くのアレなんだけど as "Asking now is a little weird, but..." (no "also"). Why is that the case? What does も do in these constructions?


The も is neither "also" nor "even".

The も is used in the sense of definition #12 in 明鏡国語辞典:

も 🈩〘副助詞〙
⓬ さりげなくとりたてて、文意をやわらげる。

These threads might be of help: What is the difference between 「とは限らない」and 「とも限らない」 / Usage of も in a Specific Context

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