Sunday, November 24, 2019

shabbat - Davening for personal matters on Shabbos

Today we took out 3 Sifrei Torah because it was Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh, and Parshas HaChodesh. Although we open the Ark every Shabbos and that is always a time of Heavenly Mercy, the Sefer Heichalos from R' Yishmael Kohen Gadol says when there are 3 Sifrei Torah, this is an even more propitious time for prayer because of the incredible Heavenly Mercy that exists when 3 scrolls are removed.

Why are we allowed to daven for personal matters on Shabbos when the Mishna Berurah 188:9 says one may not daven for his own needs on Shabbos unless the prayer is part of the regular service? The implication of the Sefer Heichalos is that we should ask for salvation and assistance in our own way.

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