Thursday, November 21, 2019

Usage of デーハー in daily life or conversation as 'slang'

When I was looking for an equivalent word for 'loud' in Japanese, I stumbled on this word:



Na-adjective, Noun

  1. showy; loud; gay; flashy; gaudy It also says: See also 派手 はで (said backwards?)

Source (jisho)

My questions:

  1. How much is 'デーハー' used as slang in daily life? Could you give an example or two in what context does this word is used and what nuance does this word carry?

I couldn't find usage examples both in English-Japanese or Japanese-Japanese dictionaries online

  1. Can I use this word as a substitute and have the same meaning/nuance? Because I can find a lot of examples if I use the word "派手 はで"

  2. Is there any story how this word become 'slang' word, for example when > a comedian or an actor/actress use this word a lot?

Weblio: Source Source

Kotobank/ Source

These are some examples I found for 派手:


I'm afraid that dress is too young for her. (is it implied that the dress probably too 'sexy'/'showing a lot of skin' for her?)


My pyjamas are rather decorative. (as in too many colors?)


A daring, theatrical personality may be an asset to a politician.

Can I exchange all of these with デーハー ?

Another usage I found using 派手:

派手な買い物 -> shopping spree = can this meaning be exchanged with デーハー as well?

派手な化粧 -> flashy makeup = can this meaning be exchanged with デーハー as well?

彼は派手好きだ. -> he's fond of the show. = can this meaning be exchanged with デーハー as well?

Thank you very much for all your answers!



デーハー is virtually a dead word. I can easily guess the meaning, but maybe I haven't heard it used in a daily conversation in my entire life. If you're a very fluent Japanese speaker, people may understand it as a joke and laugh. Otherwise, you should not use it.

デーハー is probably part of the so-called ズージャ語 vocabulary, which was used as argot by a certain group of people in the showbiz industry. This type of wordplay caught on in the 1980's, and a few words including マイウー, クリソツ, グラサン and ワイハ are still surviving today (that does not mean you can safely use these). Although デーハー is rare, native speakers who remember the etymology of クリソツ and ワイハ can probably guess the meaning of デーハー, too.


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