Sunday, November 3, 2019

rashi - How can Hashem make a mistake in thinking to make the world with Elokim (Midas Hadin)

Genesis 1:1 Rashi s.v. ברא א-להים:

ברא א-להים: ולא אמר ברא ה׳, שבתחלה עלה במחשבה לבראתו במדת הדין, ראה שאין העולם מתקיים, הקדים מדת רחמים ושתפה למדת הדין, היינו דכתיב (להלן ב ד) ביום עשות ה׳ א-להים ארץ ושמים׃

I have a few questions from 1:1-2:4 on this point:

  1. How can Hakodosh Baruch Hu make a mistake in thinking to make the world with Elokim (Midas Hadin)?

  2. How can Hakodosh Baruch Hu make an even a bigger mistake in lasting until 2:4 (see rashi) with the same mistake? Even when, for example, humans make a house, if they see one wall falls down they make the wall with a different, stronger material. So this seems like an even bigger mistake by Hashem for keeping Elokim until 2:4.

  3. So you're saying that 1:1-2:14 is just the creation that Hashem made with midas hadin which could not survive?

  4. If not then why does it keep saying Elokim from 1:1-2:4 and He only realizes His mistake at 2:14 after creation?

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