Saturday, November 2, 2019

beis hamikdash - Tisha B'av Fasting in Second Temple Times

The prophet Zechariah 7:3 brings a question he was asked by Jews during the Second Temple as to whether or not they should continue fasting on Tisha B'av, presumably because the Temple had been rebuilt. The prophet goes on to give a long prophesy about all the Jew's desecrations of God's law over the years, and about the salvation that God and is going to bring them. All this is interpolated repeatedly with the phrase "so says God", which is generally taken by the commentaries to mean that this is a new prophesy/statement. Finaly, in Zechariah 8:19 the prophet states that in the future all the fast days will be days of rejoicing. My question is, is this verse a reponse to the halachik inquiry of the earlier verse, meaning that he was instructing them to fast?

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