Monday, April 8, 2019

song poetry - G'dalya Gumber provenance

There's a popular song about G'dalya Gumber (spelling?), who is "seventeen feet tall" and who "ain't gonna work on Saturday", not even for "double, double, triple pay". Who wrote and who published this song, and when? (Any additional information about its provenance, such as who popularized it and how, is also most welcome.)

I've Googled a bit and gotten some conflicting information, so seek an authoritative source of information.


In the Mishpacha magazine, issue 455, 7 Iyar 5773, (April 17, 2013), Mrs. Blima Silverman of Toronto, Ontario, writes (in a letter to the editor), "In your February 20 edition the song, 'Big Gedalia Goomber' was attributed to yet another person who did not write it." She writes further, "The song (both music and lyrics) was composed by my husband, Rabbi Yosaif Silverman z"l, in the early '60s, as anyone attending Telshe Yeshiva at that time can attest. The record was produced in 1969, along with other tunes he had written, and is still under copyright."

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