Sunday, April 21, 2019

compound verbs - Meaning of とる in 迷惑かけとる

Because when it comes to causing trouble, it's usually me. (my TL attempt)

I think I can insert an を to get 迷惑をかける = "to cause trouble". I've seen とる=取る appended to a few verbs adding a meaning of 'take'. In this case I can't see how 'take' would change the verb in any meaningful way. So, what is the function/meaning of とる here? How does the meaning change if I omit it?


かけとる here is a slurred form of かけておる、 just like 〜ておく slurs to 〜とく sometimes.

〜ておる is 'old-man speech' for 〜ている。 It's also used in Kansai dialect.

The sentence roughly translates to:

It's usually me who's causing trouble anyway.

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